Kancho Kenneth Yoshinobu Funakoshi, founder of the Funakoshi Shotokan Karate Association is fourth cousin to Master Gichin Funakoshi – the founder of Modern Shotokan. Kancho Funakoshi moved to San Jose, California to teach karate in December 1986. In 1987, the non-political Funakoshi Shotokan Karate Association was founded with its world headquarters now in Milpitas, CA and affiliates throughout the United States, Mexico, Europe, Africa, Middle East and South America. FSKA was incorporated in 2003 in the state of California. Corporate officers were Kancho Kenneth Funakoshi, Shihan Kyle Funakoshi and Mrs. Theresa Funakoshi … Please click [here] to learn more about FSKA.
FSKA is a non-political organization. Each dojo affiliates directly with Shihan Kyle Funakoshi – we do not have regional directors. The reason for this is to eliminate political structures. Should you decide to affiliate with FSKA, you would deal directly with Shihan Kyle Funakoshi. FSKA recognizes your current rank if issued by a recognized organization. However, once you become an FSKA affiliate, you will need to meet FSKA requirements for future ranking. After affiliation, then a technical support feature via whatsapp messenger is available to ask questions about any technical matters (kihon, kata, kumite, etc) with Shihan Kyle Funakoshi. The video feature enables interaction and learning despite affiliates being overseas. Contact FSKA Executive Secretary, Jan Homer to learn more.
Congratulations to the adults advanced class on their March Kyu exam promotion!
#milpitaskarate #adultkarate
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Daniel Rodríguez, Ron Olmsted and 19 others like this
Ryan HouserCongrats!
6 hours agoBernard ElortaNice
5 hours ago
Congratulations to the beginner adult students on their March Kyu exam promotion!
#milpitaskarate #beginneradultkarate
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142Desmond Witherspoon, Jose Guadalupe Lopez Cortez and 14 others reacted to this
Craig MorrisCongratulations! OSS!!
Jennifer CoxCongratulations to all.
Ryan HouserCongrats Oss!
13 hours ago